UEVP is an independent organisation with international statutes.
The UEVP was launched in October 1970 with 11 member countries. Since then, it has grown up.
Practicing veterinarians are without a doubt the sector of the veterinary profession best known to the public. Caring for the health of companion, farm and/or zoo animals, they are also the largest group, representing around two thirds of the veterinary work force in Europe.
Though all veterinarians receive a general basic training, encompassing all animal species and diseases, a growing number of practitioners are specializing in one or more species (such as companion animals, horses, pigs) or in a particular discipline (e.g. dermatology, surgery, internal medicine, reproduction, ophthalmology).
Today UEVP represents 28 member countries and 5 European federations, all representing European practitioners.
Our mission
Our vision
Ensure the well-being of humans and animals
We live in a rapidly changing world where many more people and animals are living closely together. Practicing Vets, united in the UEVP, are in the center of this world and have the intrinsic duty to guard and protect the well-being and welfare of humans and animals. This can be achieved by ensuring the safe production of food and feed, preventing or containing diseases and zoonosis according to the “ One Health” principle / concept.

The UEVP is a member of FVE
FVE is the European representative body for the veterinary profession in Europe. FVE’s mission is to enhance animal health, animal welfare, public health and the protection of the environment by promoting the veterinary profession.
UEVP Board
The UEVP Board consists of a President, a General Secretary, a Treasurer, and three Vice-Presidents. The UEVP Board has been elected in June 2023 at the Zaiecj General Assembly in Czech Republic.

Volker Moser

Giovanbattista Guadagnini

Kenelm Lewis
(United Kingdom)

General Secretary
Athina Trachili

Vice President
Jan Bernardy
(Czech Republic )

Ann Criel
The UEVP Network
Professional Order of Veterinary Doctors of Albania (UPMVSH)
Rr. Myslym Keta 1001
Brare , Tirane
Tel: +355 6 929 46 222
Österreichische Tierärztekammer (ÖTK)
Hietzinger Kai 87
1130 Wien
Tel: +43 1 512 17 66
Fax: +43 1 512 14 70
Email: oe@tieraerztekammer.at
Union Professionnelle Vétérinaire (UPV)
Rue des Frères Grisleins 11, 1400 Nivelles, Belgium
Tel: 067/21 21 11
Fax: 067/21 21 14
Email: upv@upv.be
VeDa – Verenigde Dierenartsen
Bedrijvencentrum Waasland
Industriepark West 75
9100 Sint-Niklaas (Vlaams Gewest, België)
Tel: +32 3 780 17 90
Email: info@veda.vlaanderen
Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA)
Rue Victor Oudart 7 - 1030 Brussels
Email: info@fecava.org
Federation Equine European Veterinary Associations (FEEVA)
Rue Vicotr Oudart 71030 Brussels
Email: yael@fve.org
Poultry Veterinary Group of the EU
Victor Oudart 7 1030 Brussels
Email: secretary@pvsgeu.org
Hrvatska Veterinarska Komora (HVK)
Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 385-1-2441-068
Fax: 385-1-2441-068
Email: hvk@hvk.hr
Pancyprian Veterinary Association
Leoforos Lemesou 75, 2121, Nicosia
Email: info@pvacyprus.com
Czech Republik
Komora veterinarnich lekaru Ceské
Novoměstská 1965/2, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic - Řečkovice
Tel: 549 256 407
Email: vetkom@vetkom.cz
Eesti Loomaarstide Ühing (ELY) / Estonian Veterinary Chamber
Kreutzwaldi 62
51006, Tartu
Tel: +3725011882
Email: info@vet.ee
Suomen Eläinlaäkäriliitto (SELL)
Aleksis Kiven katu 52-54
00510 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 7745 4810
L'Organisation Professionnelle des Vétérinaires Libéraux (SNVEL)
10, place Léon Blum – 75 011 Paris
Tel: 01 44 93 30 00
Email: contact@snvel.fr
Bundesverband praktizierender Tierärzte (BPT)
Hahnstr. 70
60528 Frankfurt
Tel: 069 669818-0
Hellenic Veterinary Association (PKS)
Lefevre 4
11744 Neos Kosmos, Athens
Tel: 210 52 02 901 / 210 52 26 769
Email: pan.vet.ass@gmail.com
Magyar Állatorvosi Kamara (MAOK)
1078 Budapest , István u. 11th 1.
Tel: 06-1-413-2490
Email: kovacs@maok.hu
Veterinary Ireland (VI)
8H96+F2 Nangor, County Dublin, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)1 457 7976
Email: hq@vetireland.ie
Associazione Nationale Medici Veterinari Italiani (ANMVI)
Palazzo Trecchi 20 - 26100 Cremona
Tel: 0372 403536
Email: info@anmvi.it
Latvijas Veterinararstu Biedriba (LBV)
Zemgales prospekts 9-6, Jelgava, LV-3001
Tel: (+371) 67288747
Email: lvb@lvb.lv
Association des Médecines Vétérinaires du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg (AMVL)
7B, rue Thomas Edison L - 1445 Strassen
Tel: (352) 247- 83526
Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD)
De Molen 77, 3995 AW Houten, Netherlands
Tel: 0306348900
Email: info@knmvd.nl
North Macedonia
Veterinary Chamber of North Macedonia
16 Makedonska Brigada 4
1000 Skopje
Tel: +389 2 32 40 733
Fax: +389 2 31 14 619
Email: mvk@mvk.org.mk
Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNV)
Keysersgate 5, 0165 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 99 46 00
Email: dnv@vetnett.no
Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna (KIL-W)
al. Przyjaciół 1 lok. 2; 00–565 Warszawa
Tel: (+48 22) 628–93–35
Email: vetpol@vetpol.org.pl
Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários
Campo Grande, n.º 46D, 1.º Dto, 1700-093 Lisboa
Tel: +351 (0)213 129 370
Email: omv@omv.pt
Colegiul Veterinar din România
Splaiul Independenței nr. 105, Sector 5, București
Tel: 021-319.45.04
Email: office@cmvro.ro
Ветеринарска комора Србије (Veterinary Chamber of Serbia)
Bulevar Oslobođenja 18
11000 Belgrade; Serbia
Tel: 011 2684 597; 011 2685 619
Email: vetks@EUnet.rs
Slovak Republic
Komora veterinárnych lekárov Slovenskej Republiky
Botanická 17, 841 04 Bratislava
Tel: 02/65443212
Email: kvlsr@kvlsr.sk
Veterinarska Zbornica
Cesta 24. junija 25, 1231 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel: +386 (0) 1 56 32 670
Email: uprava@vzb.si
Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España (CGCVE)
C/ Villanueva nº 11 - 28001 MADRID
Tel: 914 353 535
Email: consejo@colvet.es
Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärzte (GST)
Brückfeldstrasse 18
3012 Bern
Tel: +41 (0) 31 307 35 35
Email: info@gstsvs.ch
European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV)
Victor Oudart 7 1030 Brussels
Email: h.fernandez@eazwv.org
United Kingdom
British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA)
1 Telford Way, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AB, UK
Tel: 44(0)1452 726700
Email: administration@bsava.com