Working Documents
One of the most important tasks for FVE and UEVP is building up, improving and maintaining links and relationships with the key policy makers in the EU institutions in order to establish and maintain a creditibility as a serious player and to influence the decision making process in the EU.
The use of animals in travelling circuses
The use of any animal species (including birds, reptiles, and domesticated species) in any entertainment, travelling or...
Read moreThe veterinary vision on stray dog management
CONSIDERING THAT: − In several European regions, in urban as well as rural areas, large numbers of dogs stray freely...
Read moreRelationship between animal welfare and the use of antibiotics in food animals
Antibiotic resistance is a very serious threat to human and animal health It can only be tackled by an international...
Read moreEnd suffering of animals during long distance transport
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)i is concerned about serious animal welfare issues related to the...
Read moreUnwanted offspring on farm animal production
FVE believes that all farmed animals should have a good life and a humane death, and that veterinary professionals should...
Read moreAnimal Abuse: what are the roles and responsibilities of the veterinary surgeon?
It may be hard to comprehend why someone would deliberately hurt an animal and then seek veterinary attention Alternatively,...
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