Working Documents
One of the most important tasks for FVE and UEVP is building up, improving and maintaining links and relationships with the key policy makers in the EU institutions in order to establish and maintain a creditibility as a serious player and to influence the decision making process in the EU.
EU Newsletter – July 2019
As Ursula von der Leyen has been appointed as the next President of the European Commission, she stated during its meetings...
Read moreEU Newsletter – June 2019
As the composition of the commissions of the newly elected European Parliament became public a few days ago, UEVP...
Read moreEU Newsletter – May 2019
This month we would like to congratulate the newly elected Members of the European Parliament UEVP is looking forward...
Read moreEU Newsletter – April 2019
This month marks the start of the preparation of the delegated and implementing acts by the DG SANTE of the European...
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