Working Documents
One of the most important tasks for FVE and UEVP is building up, improving and maintaining links and relationships with the key policy makers in the EU institutions in order to establish and maintain a creditibility as a serious player and to influence the decision making process in the EU.
Slaughter without prior stunning
According to the FVE Code of Good Veterinary Practice, veterinarians shall endeavour to ensure the welfare and health of the...
Read moreCaptive live birds
FVE supports the call for a permanent ban on the import of wild-caught birds due to the appalling welfare standards from...
Read moreAnimal Health Strategy 2007-2013
Introduction First of all FVE would like to congratulate the European Commission, in particular DG SANCO with the...
Read moreTransport of live animals
1 Background 11 This paper deals primarily with the transportation of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats by road, since this...
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