According to Directive 90/425/CEE, live animals subject to trade within the European community must be identified in accordance with the requirements of the Community rules, and, on the other hand, be registered in such a way that their origin can be traced. Regulation 998/2003/CE established a European uniform system for identification of pets. From 23 May 2011, identification by microchips will be the only system accepted all over the European Union. These provisions are justified by:
– The need to prevent the spread of animal diseases into countries where they do not exist and to contain breakouts where they occur
– The possibility to avoid a great number of preventive euthanasia in critical sanitary situation
– The possibility to offer lost and found services to pet owners and enable them to travel more easily throughout Europe
– The need to fight against illegal trade of pets and non conventional animal However, conditions to ensure a full workability of the legislative provisions and thus meet these important goals, are not gathered.